Thai foot massage client history form

Filling in this form enables me to gain an idea of what we will be focussing on in your session, I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know a little about you so that I can prepare the best massage for you.

Please let me know the dates of any of the above
CANCELLATION POLICY I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life… Car problems, extreme weather, family emergencies and illness are just a few of the reasons why you might be forced to cancel an appointment. In my desire to be effective and fair to all of my clients, and out of consideration for the time I reserve for you, I have adopted the following policies In most cases, a 48-hour advance notice is required when canceling an individual appointment. If you are unable to give me the minimum 48-hours you will be charged £25 for the first cancellation and the full fee of the session for any subsequent cancellations. If you are able to fill your slot by recommending a friend to come for your session, no charge will be made. If you are late for an appointment I will need to finish our session at the allocated time which means your session will be cut short, the full fee of the booked session will be charged in this situation.