Yarrow Wolfe

“…You just have to Let the soft animal of your body love what it loves…”

excerpt from Wild Geese
by Mary Oliver


I’d like to share my musings on my work last week at Buddhafield Festival whose theme this year was ‘Dance of Life and Death’.

I watched the festival be born with the arrival of hundreds of excited tent laden folks, the excitement, pain and life force become channeled into singing, dancing, shouting, releasing, rising to a dizzying climax on Saturday with drumming and dancing in 27 degree sunshine, all this happened as I worked steadily in the healing garden, the stories of the wider world reached me through those who came to see me. From Sunday onwards I witnessed the ending, the crowds leaving, structures disappearing to return the field to its natural state.

The nervous anxious states that accompanied me in were washed away by the incoming waters of friendly eye contact, physical contact, living close to the earth, the presence of the insects, the sounds of birds, all of this dissolving my individualised separate experience, opening me up. I witnessed this in the bodies and beings of those who came to see me to receive bodywork. As I untangled the aches and strains they had brought from their outside lives or from camping on uneven ground I dropped deeper and deeper into the magic of connection with land and humans and how intricately our healing is woven of these elements, how much more powerful we are together with the presence of the butterflies, flowers and trees, all of them reminding me of the states of being that we also have access to and how hard these states are to access in modern western life. People came to me from dancing, stretching, connecting deeply with others in held spaces, opening to new ways of seeing themselves, others and the world around them. By the second day it was striking how open and ready to go deep into releasing those bodies were, a process that can take weeks or months with clients outside of that setting.

photo by Saskia

My passion for bodywork has grown from seeing how powerful and beautiful we are when we allow things to open us up.  I see bodywork’s gift to open and enable life to move through us and prevent us getting caught up in emotional and physical pain, to keep us from our lives passing us by as we accept a state of living death. I see how desperately we need this in our cerebral driven world that does not value our connections to self and others, I see how intrinsic physical contact and care are to healing, and how healing is not something that happens as a one off, that it’s a process that requires diligent regular kindness for self and meaningful connection with the natural world and other humans.

Thai Yoga Massage can offer deep healing bodywork, its not something that can fix a long standing problem in a couple of sessions, its not a miracle cure, but it contains many elements of healing; close contact, movement, compassionate attention, affirmative self care.

Outside of the sessions a commitment to listening to your visceral experience needs to be made to enable healing, a journey that you may not have begun yet or you may be struggling to nourish or maintain…

I believe Thai Yoga Massage can bring you closer to knowing the value of committing to the journey back to life by offering an opportunity to feel connection, embodiment, deep rest…

Are you ready to make that commitment to yourself?

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Welcoming Winter Solstice in a busy world

Welcoming Winter Solstice in a busy world

As the winter solstice approaches, it beckons us to slow down, reflect, and embrace the darkness and stillness of the season. However, the demands of modern life often pull us in the opposite direction, there is pressure to shop for the perfect gifts, stay up late to attend parties consuming more alcohol, we find we are constantly on the go, all the while our immune systems are under extra pressure from viruses and often force us to abruptly stop when they become overwhelmed.

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